Sunday 24 July 2011

Play Time

We weren't doing anything...We certainly weren't playing "spin on the bed", honest! 


  1. My dogs do the same thing....every chance they get. I'd rather see them on the floor of course.

  2. Morgan and I never play spin on the bed, either! Nuh uh, no way! I have NO idea how the comforter winds up in a ball in the middle of the bed. Probably squirrels!


  3. Bunny, One day while mama was outside with Beckett, Maddy and I were not playing spin on the bed and somehow the comforter latched on to my leg and I was trapped. I let out that greyhound scream of death, like you scared your vet with, and mama came running in. She had to untangle me from the blankets...I blame the squirrels for that too!

  4. Beryl and Frankie were doing this one day and Beryl fell off the bed and yep, GSOD! It hasn't stopped her though! Too much fun:) I hardly bother to make the bed any more. lol.
