It's another cold weekend, and the hounds are getting cabin fever. Even with boots and coats, a feels-like temperature -30 C this morning makes wee time a quick "in and out". Last night, they all went out together and ran around on the snow covered deck for a few minutes to burn off a little energy. It's funny how different playtime is when all three are together, or when it is just Veil and Maddy, Veil and Beckett or Maddy and Beckett. Maddy seems to have the best social skills when it comes to playing and will run around and chase or be chased without any nipping or barking. She and Beckett have a great time together, and Veil is on her best behaviour when playing with Maddy. Veil will bark and nip at Beckett when they are running together, and if all three of them are out, Maddy seems to try and keep the other two separated by running between them.

I have been looking back at old photos (pre-digital age) for my "Leap Year Memories"; and I think there is something to be said for those photos in the shoe boxes or envelopes, that you can hold in your hand.
Tuff used to love the run in the snow, and believe me, you got out of the way when he was barrelling towards you.