Sunday, 5 February 2012


It's another cold weekend, and the hounds are getting cabin fever.  Even with boots and coats, a feels-like temperature -30 C this morning makes wee time a quick "in and out".  Last night, they all went out together and ran around on the snow covered deck for a few minutes to burn off a little energy.  It's funny how different playtime is when all three are together, or when  it is just Veil and Maddy, Veil and Beckett or Maddy and Beckett.  Maddy seems to have the best social skills when it comes to playing and will run around and chase or be chased without any nipping or barking.  She and Beckett have a great time together, and Veil is on her best behaviour when playing with Maddy.  Veil will bark and nip at Beckett when they are running together, and if all three of them are out, Maddy seems to try and keep the other two separated by running between them.

I have been looking back at old photos (pre-digital age) for my "Leap Year Memories"; and I think there is something to be said for those photos in the shoe boxes or envelopes, that you can hold in your hand. 

Tuff used to love the run in the snow, and believe me, you got out of the way when he was barrelling towards you. 


  1. He was one powerful boy! Love the winter coats - very "now" Hehe! Deccy x

  2. I love their coats! Tuff sure looks like he was one strong dude!

  3. Those coats sure do look warm. But against -30C? Eek! Looks like Tuff could have taught the greys a thing or two about running in the snow :) We only print out pics once a year to send in for the CG calendar. I do miss having something to hold in my hands.

  4. They look pretty cozy in their coats. Is't it interesting how they interact differently together at play time? We're lucky that all of ours play well together, especially given their size differences.

    You're so right. There's nothing quite like pulling out a box of old photographs. How times have changed. Thanks for sharing Tuff!

  5. It was 45 degrees and sunny today in northern Indiana. It has been a crazy winter for us. It was fun to see Tuff!

  6. -30C??? How do you stand it? I like the old hold-in-your-hand pics. Something about it is just better.

  7. Tuff looks like one adorable powerhouse!

    I think it's funny how differently they act towards each other, too. Bunny and Blueberry are very content together, but Blueberry won't play with Bunny. She used to play with Morgan, but hasn't since the puppy came home. Bunny knows that Kuster is intimidated by her style of play, so she keeps it up just to keep him where she wants him. She'll play with Morgan, too, lately, but not for too long. Morgan and Kuster together, though, is like the Clash of the Titans! If they were all out somewhere together, though, it would be a unified front and nobody would mess with either Bunny or Blue, or they'd face Morgan and I'm pretty sure Kuster, too. He loves escorting the girls into Petsmart!

  8. Tuff is living up to his name there:) Yes, I've got boxes and boxes of photos here too. What do you do with them though? While it is certainly nicer to hold an actual photo, it's easier to look at them on the computer and only print up the special ones. I don't even do that now!

    Your family have got such stylish coats. Nobody makes anything nearly as nice in New Zealand. -30 degrees is ridiculously cold!!

    1. One of the lawyers that I used to work with, who just retired, left tonight for New Zealand for a month. I should have got him to stick a coat for Beryl in his luggage. But does it get very cold there in your winter?

  9. We cannot imagine all of that snow and cold. It looks like it is so much fun. Tuff was big guy. Do you have snow on the ground all winter?

    Nina, Myshka, Sasha, Betsy, Lucy, Phoebe and Lily

    1. Usually we have snow all winter long. This year we had a late start and it only came about the middle of January.
